In chapter 1, we meet the main hero and villain of our story and learn a little bit about the war the Kassans now live in. There's some hot space-fighting action, and the introduction of the titular Recursion through which Deathe escapes.

Jade arrives on the other side of the Recursion to find Deathe already well established on the other side. After pillaging Deathe's R&D department for a weapon, our hero uses a combination of stealth and force to make her way through and escape.

Jade discovers the Recursion has transported her into ancient Kass. Her arrival in the city of Bellport with Toban stirs up a lot of festering resentment, and also inspires some hope.

Jade, Mug and the rest of the resistance hatch a plan to assault Deathe and free those held captive there. Toban has mixed feelings.

As the citizens of Bellport celebrate their victory, Jade struggles to navigate a world that is alien to her in more ways than one.

While Deathe terrorizes the known lands with quick and deadly raids, the nobility of the local settlements meet in Bellport to discuss a strategy. However, Links has snuck into town to spy on Jade's plan to find and rout Deathe's base of operations.

With the ancient Kassans united to the cause, Jade leads a combined military force to assault one of Deathe's most fortified strongholds. However, an unexpected surprise might hurt their plan. Also Josie definitely doesn't do anything she wasn't supposed to.

With their initial plan of approach thwarted, Jade and Toban enact a more dangerous plan to invade the mountain fortification, however The former CEO of Kibret Industries and ally of Deathe, Jeremy Kibret is prepared to stop them. Conflicts of interest come to an emotionally (and literally) explosive climax.

Toban is wounded, both physically and emotionally by Jade's actions at the mountaintop mine. Jade, Unable to hide the truth any longer, reveals the full scope of the lore and the science of her origin to Toban. With the pair reaching an impasse of morals and conviction, their friendship seems strained beyond repair. Mug however, has some words that may hold weight.