Meet the heroes and villains of once and future Kass!

Noble and Selfless, but lonely and private, Jade has spent her life attempting to live up to the legacy of the hero she was created from. A Lieutenant of the Kass Space Fleet, Jade is actually a clone created from a sample of DNA from a long dead ancient warrior. Though the hero of myth was said to command incredible supernatural powers, intense study of Jade on the part of Kass scientists uncovered nothing remarkable about her. With the Kass military's dream of super-soldiers dashed, Jade was placed into the care of a military Academy for the rest of her upbringing before she enrolled in the Kass space fleet to push back against the terrorist forces of Dr. Deathe.
In battle, Jade made a name for herself as a skilled, if occasionally reckless dog-fighter and clever tactician. In personal matters however, her fellow soldiers know her as private and distant. During the assault on Deathe's last stronghold, her ship was pulled through the Recursion anomaly, stranding her in the ancient past. Now she fights to free her ancient ancestors from under Deathe's thumb, while finding herself unintentionally taking on the role of the hero of myth herself.

Dr. Daphne Deathe (pronounced "Deeth") was a well respected citizen of pre-war Kass, responsible for creating countless advancements in neurological, cybernetic and mechanical engineering. She is brilliant and passionate, but also extremely conceited, cold and bitter. Suffering since birth from a genetic disorder that has severely atrophied her muscular tissues, Deathe has been confined to a mobility chair most of her life. After years of pushing for legislation that would curb genetic disease by controlling how Kass citizens reproduce, she reached her breaking point and took to terrorism in an attempt to make her point. By hijacking most of Kass Society's ships and drones, she was able to wage war against those she blames for allowing suffering like hers to fester.
Losing the war and with her back to the wall, Deathe engaged in a last ditch effort to turn the tide by creating a Recursion, a tunnel through space time that would allow her to travel back in time to ancient Kass and dominate the primitive era. With her Nitrium mining operations underway and the ancient people's subjugated, it seems like nothing stands in her way.

The shy son of Lady Dawnveil, the lord of the ancient city of Bellport, Toban was thrust to the front of public view when Deathe slaughtered Lady Dawnveil and most of the city guard in an unprovoked attack. To save Bellport from annihilation, Toban pledged fealty to Deathe, ordering Bellport's citizens to provide whatever offerings and supplies were demanded. Prior to Deathe's dramatic arrival, Toban was a sculptor of some renown. Though introverted, emotional, and a little cowardly, he cares deeply about the safety of his people.
With the arrival of Jade, the resentment many Bellport citizens harbour is beginning to come to a head. Toban now finds himself having to make difficult choices he truly wishes he did not have to make.

The "Computation Library Interface Personality" currently loaded into Jade's hand weapon, CLIP is prototype of an experimental AI. While machines under Deathe's direct control are ruthless and efficient, Deathe cannot be everywhere at once. Deathe has spent years attempting to produce a quality AI to control automatic weapons in her stead and finally fix her biggest tactical disadvantage. CLIP is as close as she has gotten to success.
CLIP by design is energetic and upbeat. And while he tries to be as helpful as possible to his user, he has a tendency to misread situations and frequently gets priorities confused.

Tough, blunt and surprisingly wise, Mug is the blacksmith of Bellport and most vocal critic of Toban's decision to submit to Deathe's rule. Though his loyalty to Lady Dawnviel has kept him from outright rebelling against Toban's leadership, he has secretly been coordinating an underground resistance. Though previously limiting its efforts to sabotage and smuggling operations, Jade's arrival has given his movement a newfound sense of optimism. Driven by unfailing will and determination, Mug and his resistance are ready to take up arms against Deathe. To Mug, no price is too high to pay to overthrow a tyrant.

Jeremy Kibret was head of Kibret Indrustries, the largest commercial enterprise in pre-war Kass. Kibret Industries was not only responsible for producing most of Kass's machines and ships, it was also the chief investor in exoplanet mining as Kass society branched out into the galaxy in search of more Nitrium. Kibret's success comes from his close work with Dr Deathe, implementing her advancements in technology into commercially viable products and giving him the edge over his competitors.
Though Kibret himself has always been known to have a rough and even rude personality, he was described by his friends as being quite a caring individual. In fact, a significant portion of his personal and business profits went to various charities. His decision to assist Deathe in waging war came as a shock to nearly all who knew him, and to this day his personal motive for doing so remains obscured.

Dr. Evan Samuels is both Deathe's personal physician, and partner in Deathe's efforts in cybernetic and medical science. Though Samuels is co-credited for many life saving treatments pioneered by Deathe's inspirations, there have often been disturbing rumours of Samuels cutting corners and running afoul of ethical boards. If Samuels has any friends outside of Deathe herself, nobody knows of any. Those who have spoken with him outside of a professional setting have described him as cold, unemotional and even... unsettling.
Though many Kassans owe their life or mobility to Dr Samuels' medical innovations, there are surprisingly few who will say good things about him.

Of all Deathe's secretive crew, least is known about the most recent member "Links". Intelligence reports suggest she was an orphan discovered by Deathe in the ruins of an off planet mining colony after the war was well underway. She is believed to be intelligent, though undisciplined and submissive.

Josie is Mug Whitemane's daughter, a young and energetic child with boundless enthusiasm. Josie has lived under Mug's sole care for all of her life, having never known her mother. She enjoys imaginative play, and loves her pet fox, Bort!
Josie also loves ducks! Ducks do not love Josie.